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    Stories 15
    Chapters 722
    Words 6.0 M
    Comments 0
    Reading 20 days, 20 hours20 d, 20 h
    • 3

      3 Cover
      by dorothea  As soon as morning broke, Marian confirmed her situation.  1. Marian is an outcast imperial princess.  2. She lives alone in a separate palace with only one person attending to her.  3. She hasn't met Ribe yet.  4. As before, she is well packaged to the outside world as Federico's savior, the one and only noble imperial princess.  5. Benjamin is still trash.  6. And, Marian isn't married to Cesare yet.   All these facts helped Marian form…
    • 2

      2 Cover
      by dorothea 'Are you trying to leave me behind?'   Even the chattering Delin fell silent. The slowly revealed blue eyes were different from usual, sunken.   "......Abel?"   Abel smiled without emotion. An uncontrolled fierce anger filled Abel's insides. Swallowing all those emotions, Abel spoke kindly.   "It's been a while, Marian."   Marian's blue eyes became moist. Transparent tears gathered at her eyes and kept flowing down. For some reason, his…
    • 1

      1 Cover
      by dorothea 1. It was a strange sensation she had never felt before in her life. Marian's eyes twitched. Marian trembled as she pressed down and endured the unfamiliar sensation freely swimming across her skin while clenching her fist. She exhaled slowly with her face buried in the pillow. Her black hair, flowing down like a waterfall, seemed to undulate like snakes. Marian shuddered at the dizzying feeling of being pushed into an unknown world. She wanted to peel off the hot body temperature clinging to…
    • Chapter 5. A Matter of Love Cover
      by dorothea In Camelli, where traces of summer still lingered, there was a different vitality than in winter. Under the high sun's rays, the castle's red spires appeared even more vivid. The cheerful voices of residents passing through the streets carried on the wind. I strolled through the meticulously maintained garden. Following my footsteps, flowers seemed to trail after me as their abundant fragrance enveloped me. The precisely manicured garden of Camelli Castle had a different charm from the mansions and…
    • Side Story. Conditions of Happiness Cover
      by dorothea The grand hall of the newly built imperial palace was massive and brilliant. The walls and pillars were adorned with elaborate relief carvings on white marble, and the ceiling displayed dazzling paintings by the greatest artist of the era. Rashid strode past ostentatiously gilded statues and entered the meeting hall where the Privy Council gathering was held. His black cloak softly fluttered following behind him. "Duke Penvernon arrives!" The attendant standing by rang a bell announcing Rashid's…
    • Chapter 8. Human Fate Cover
      by dorothea Emperor Helios had a headache from the news from the Western Continent. It was the first time since the founding of the nation that non-human races, who had cut off contact with humans after the age of myths and legends ended, had surfaced like this. "A declaration of war, those bastards must have gone completely mad. What nonsense is this." Helios expressed his anger mixing in vulgar words. He threw the document onto the table. The non-human messenger with pointed ears had left like the wind…
    • Chapter 7. The Protagonist Appears Cover
      by dorothea Fate appears suddenly one day wearing a different face. The stream that seemed to have twisted in a different direction flows and flows as if determined to find its original source, finally heading in its original direction. This world does not wish for me, for my happiness. If that's not the case, this wouldn't be happening. "Please... sit, Miss Haines." Though I tried my best to feign composure, my voice was noticeably trembling enough for even myself to notice. "Are you alright, Alisa?…
    • Chapter 6. Her Trial (2) Cover
      by dorothea I had more than one or two things I wanted to ask Rashid. Why he went berserk like that, if he was really consumed by Dragon's Strength, and if so, whether my voice brought him back to his senses. Though Rashid initially showed reluctance, he finally surrendered to my persistent questions and gaze. "At some point, I felt the power growing stronger and stronger. It must be because of that sword you gave me. But there might be other reasons too. Anyway, it's true that since then I've been able to…
    • Chapter 6. Her Trial (1) Cover
      by dorothea The plague swept across the empire in an instant. Like a wild horse, it ran rampant from east to west, north to south across the continent. Making a mockery of the government offices' attempts to track the disease's flow, patients emerged in unexpected places. Among those suffering from high fever, body aches, rashes and hallucinations, some began to die. Everyone became extremely busy, especially House Ailan. Specializing in healing white magic, they dispatched their capable members to places where…
    • Chapter 4. Signs of Change (2) Cover
      by dorothea "Your Highness? Are you feeling unwell?" I observed Jeanne's complexion. She kept frowning while clearing her throat repeatedly. "I think my throat is a bit swollen." Could it be because of the peaches? If she doesn't eat peaches due to allergies, that might be why her throat is swollen. There's no guarantee that the cooking utensils were completely separated when making other snacks. What should I do? Are there allergy medicines in this world? While this world has built a fairly convenient…
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